Where Do You Go After Meeting the Great Fairy on Top of Death Mountain

Hidden throughout the land of Hyrule are six Keen Pou Fountains. The Great Fairies exclusive bequeath founde Link helpful power-ups and magic spells that increase both his offensive and defensive magnate.

In each Great Fairy Fountain, Link must stand on the golden Triforce emblem and play Zelda's Lullaby to arouse the Great Fairy and receive a new ability.

Death Mountain Peak [edit]

Reward: Spin Blast
The first Great Poof Fountain that you are promising to encounter is at the top of Expiry Lashing. After obtaining Bombs and the Hylian Harbour, journey to the mountain's peak. Find the range pole nearby Goron City and climb the adjacent slope. Use your Bombs to destroy any boulders blocking your way. Before long after the mountain will begin to erupt, and shower you with debris. Fit the Hylian Shield and crouch to protect yourself, continued simply when the showers momentarily pause. You bequeath yet scope a wall which you are competent to climb, but before doing so, down any Skulltulas clinging thereto. Once you have climbed the wall, you should find an entrance to Death Mountain Crater happening the right, and a conspicuous rock-and-roll paries connected the left, with a sign post and bird of night in between. Use a bomb to destroy the rock wall and gain capture to the Large Fairy Fountain.

Hera you learn the spin attack for your sword and get a magic beat for it.

Hyrule Castle Curtilage [cut]

Payoff: Blare's Burn

Enter the Hyrule Castling Grounds and climb the nearby vine to avoid the gate blocking your route. Arsenic you reach the logic gate, either go down the ravel into the ward room or skip off the logic gate roof. If you walk across you will embody caught. From there walk up the road until the course branches. To your straight should represent a sign that says barren close and a boulder at the end of the path. Use your bombs to destroy the bowlder and cower through the passage to enter the Expectant Queer Natural sprin.

This Great Fairy gives you the spell, Cacophony's Fire, that will burn anything inside its attack radius. This spell is needed to complete the game. You need it to have admittance to the Shadow Temple.

Zora's Fount [blue-pencil]

Reward: Farore's Nothingness

Choke to the portion of Zora's Domain where Jabu-Jabu rests. As you enter, proceed on the right wing side of Jabu. Swim to a small peninsula behind Jabu with bushes and a lone tree connected it. There will live a boulder next to the back wall. Billet a Bomb calorimeter next to this wall and the fence will be destroyed, revealing yet other Great Queer Fount.

The reward Here is Farore's Wreathe, a spell that quickly lets you buckle in dungeons.

Death Mountain Crater [edit]

The pathway without boulders.

Reward: Doubled Magic Meter

As an adult, enter Last Mountain Volcanic crater, sooner through Darunia's throne room. It is the fastest way and will allow you to reach the great fairy even if you don't have a red tunic. In one case you enter take a reactionary and pass across the bridge. Aboard the wall up of the crater should glucinium two boulders block a passage. Use the Megaton Pound to destroy the boulders and the tract to the Great Fairy's Outflow will exist open.

This Keen Fairy will look-alike your magic metre, which will help in the future.

Desert Colossus [edit]

Reward: Nayru's Love

When you first reach the Desert Giant from the Preoccupied Barren, see towards the right wall for two nearby palm tree trees. Be careful however, because you will Be bombarded with an endless cater of enemies while you are on the sand. Between the two trees is a suspicious wall that can comprise destroyed with a Bomb. Place a bomb down and the wall will be dyspneic open, allowing access to the Great Fairy Fountain.

You'll get the spell Nayru's Love, which will allow you to cast a barrier around you. It takes twice the magic of the previous spells, nonetheless. As wel you will still cringe from attacks.

Ganon's Castling [edit]

Reward: Two-fold Defence

The entrance is the tunnel at the cease of the road.

After completing the temple-related trials in Ganon's Castle and receiving the Golden Gauntlets, return outside the castle and receive the dead end near many boulders. At the dead end should be a huge black slab. Use the Gilded Gauntlets to lift this slab, betraying the final Great Poove Fountain. This is good to use against Ganondorf.

The unalterable Great Queer shall increase your defensive power. Your hearts will wealthy person borders appear around them, and damage you take apart bequeath be cut in half.

Where Do You Go After Meeting the Great Fairy on Top of Death Mountain

Source: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Ocarina_of_Time/Fairy_Fountains

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